Wingham Free Press Token


1 share in Wingham Free Press.

10000 in stock



Now is your chance to own part of the Wingham Free Press. You get to vote on major issues, have a say in the management of WFP & receive dividends.

About Wingham Free Press:
10,000+ followers on FaceBook.
250,000+ page views a month.
Strong advocates for municipal accountability & transparency.
Played key roll in disbanding the Wingham Police after the “August Atrocities”.
Pushed for and received several resignations of senior North Huron management.
Accurately predicted winners of last two Municipal elections a year in advance.

Wingham Cop Watch and other Community groups/activists will/have received free shares for their contribution to our Community.

Decimals: 2
Certificate of Authenticity: c95ada54c09256c1ea70d22ccd0e358b5a3e17846ddbc5cdc64ef51ecbf2d1f2